Fresh Flowers

Same-day Delivery across Canberra - go for local, handcrafted and unforgettable

Flower Delivery in Canberra

Hello and Welcome to Urban Jungle Canberra! We are a small family owned business located in O'Connor, passionate about bringing greenery, warmth, and joy to Canberra with the gift of fresh flowers and Australian brands and designs. Check out our collections below and discover unique flower arrangements for every occasion.
Add a special message card, chocolate, wine, or decorative vase to the arrangement. We deliver to Canberra, Queanbeyan and the Googong Region

Local delivery is $10
Monday to Friday delivery is $18. Saturday delivery is $25
Please refer to our Delivery Policy page for more information
or give us a call and chat to our friendly staff at (02)62477947.

About Us

Urban Jungle is Canberra's very own indoor plant specialist, now celebrating 5 years of spreading greenery and floral joy around the city.

Partnering with an avant-garde florist, Urban Jungle is the best place in town to get your green on!

From books, cards, flowers, pots and plants - not only will you enhance your own home, but we'll make sure you find that perfect gift for those you love!

Join the community of crazy plant lovers and visit our store at the O'Connor Shops. 

Get in touch

Visit our store

Monday - Friday 9:30 - 5:30pm
Saturday 9:30-4:00pm
Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

1/7 Sargood Street, O'Connor, ACT 2602

Tel: 6247 7947

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